Dental Fillings
23 Mar 2021The day of big silver chunks of metal in your mouth are gone. At the Bond Street Dental Clinic, we use dental fillings that are strong, durable and look like natural teeth.
Welcome to the world of dental fillings. There are several types.
Composite fillings
Mainly used to restore a chipped tooth or for composite veneers, composite resin fillings are available in various shades and are bonded to the prepared tooth to match your own tooth.
This procedure normally takes one visit.
Porcelain fillings or inlays and onlays
Technically, we call these CEREC fillings (designed by a computerised unit which produces porcelain restorations). The restoration looks like a natural tooth, is extremely durable and fits precisely. Unsightly amalgam fillings can be replaced with CEREC restorations in one visit.
Why have tooth-coloured fillings?
Tooth-coloured fillings are a great alternative to traditional metal dental fillings due to the fact they blend in with your teeth, as the old silver-coloured fillings never could, so that it looks like you haven’t got fillings.
The materials used for tooth-coloured fillings are extremely strong and durable, as well as creating a natural-looking smile.
Tooth-coloured fillings are useful for reshaping disfigured teeth.
Tooth-coloured fillings can restore your natural smile, especially if they replace some older metal fillings. However, some patients may need additional services to restore their beautiful smile, for example if a patient suffers from crooked or chipped teeth. In these cases, patients can still benefit from the dental services at Bond Street Dental, because our team is also qualified and equipped to perform cosmetic dentistry treatments such as dental implants, porcelain crowns, veneers and other cosmetic dentistry treatments needed to restore the smile of a patient.
Patients can come to Bond Street Dental to get a detailed treatment plan, which is used to restore their smile. Patients can benefit from a smile enhancement appointment, but also the cosmetic analysis. During such appointments, our dentists and oral surgeons will evaluate your dental health, but also take impressions to draft a treatment plan that is as accurate as possible. The treatment plan will also include the estimated cost of your treatment, so there are no surprises down the line. Do you want more information about smile enhancements or the cosmetic analysis? Please head over to the dedicated information pages about these services, or contact our team if you prefer to speak to someone in person. The Bond Street Dental Clinic can be contacted by telephone during office hours, but also via email or website form outside office hours.
What You Need to Know About Dental Restorations
Dental restorations are used in a dental surgery on a daily basis. They come in the form of fillings, crowns and other restorations that could be used to restore a patient’s smile. If you wish to learn more about dental restorations and their uses in the world of dentistry, please read our information below.
Dental Fillings
The most commonly used type of dental restoration is the filling. The dental filling is used to repair cavities, which are often caused by tooth decay and poor eating habits. Fillings can be made from various materials, so the results obtained from a cavity repair depend on the materials used by your dentist.
Common materials used in the dental surgery for fillings include amalgam and composite. Amalgam is often used for the back teeth, since the material is durable and can withstand quite some force. However, there is a downside to amalgam fillings, because the material does not blend as well with the natural teeth as composite materials.
Composite fillings are a combination of powdered glass, ceramics and resin. Even though these composite fillings are not as durable as amalgam, they blend with the natural teeth a lot better and do not leave any dark spots or stains on the teeth.
In addition to amalgam and composite, dentists can also use glass ionomer; this material is fully made from powdered glass. When glass ionomer is used, it reacts with the tooth in a chemical way. However, glass ionomer is considered the weakest of dental fillings, so dentists will only use it for baby teeth and on the sides of the teeth.
Dental Crown
Severe cavities or decayed teeth can be treated with a dental crown. The dental crown covers the entire surface of the tooth, so it makes the tooth stronger. Of course, since the dental crown surrounds the natural tooth completely, it can also alter its shape and its colour.
There are various types of dental crowns available. Some common types of dental crowns include ceramic crowns, porcelain crowns, resin crowns and stainless steel crowns. If a crown is used to improve the appearance of a patient’s teeth, the dentist will usually use a ceramic or porcelain crown, since these can match the existing colour of the patient’s teeth and blend with them perfectly.
Most dental crown procedures are executed in two appointments. During the first appointment at the dentist, the dentist will subject the tooth in question to a thorough examination. During this examination, he will make sure that your tooth can support a crown. If the result is positive, the dentist can then start to file the tooth down and prepare the crown itself.
When a patient has a severely damaged or broken tooth, the dentist may need to prepare the tooth for the crown a little more. The dentist will have to fill the tooth and make it strong enough to carry the crown. Therefore, patients with severe damage to the teeth may need an extra appointment before they can get the crown placed.
Once the dentist and dental technician have created the crown, the patient can visit the surgery for their second visit. During their second appointment, the dentist will remove the temporary crown. Then, the dentist can put the crown into the right position and bond it to the tooth with a special adhesive solution.
The mouth may feel somewhat odd after the crown procedure, so it will take some time for patients to get used to the changes in the mouth. However, the crown will start to feel like a normal part of the mouth over time. Then, the patient can enjoy the full benefits of their restored tooth.
Dental Veneer
The dental veneer is quite like the dental crown, only this type of dental restoration does not cover the entire tooth. The veneer is a thin shell that is placed on the front surface of the teeth. It is considerably lighter than the dental crown and also requires less trimming.
Dental veneers can be used by a dentist to correct a variety of problems; this includes discoloured teeth, worn down teeth, chipped teeth, misaligned teeth and gaps between the teeth. They also have numerous benefits. Firstly, they give the tooth a natural appearance and the gum tissue tends to tolerate it well. Porcelain dental veneers are also stain resistant, so if the teeth of the patient suffered stains in the past, it could be an excellent option for them.
Despite the many advantages of the dental veneer, it is still a procedure that should be considered carefully. Once dental veneers are applied to the surface of the teeth, the process cannot be reversed, so the teeth will always need an extra layer of protection.
The Prevention of Tooth Decay
Of course, prevention is better than having to obtain treatments for cavities and decayed teeth, so prevention is key to keep your mouth healthy for the future. If you struggle with your dental hygiene, you can also make an appointment with our dental hygienist, who can show you the proper oral hygiene routines and recommend the right products.
To ensure the teeth stay in excellent condition, patients must brush their teeth at least twice daily. Patients must also floss daily and rinse their mouth with a good mouthwash after their meals. They should also limit the consumption of sugary drinks and stop smoking.
Still, keeping your teeth in good condition also requires a regular appointment with your dentist and your dental hygienist. So, make sure to book your annual check-ups and always follow the recommendations of your dentist to keep your teeth healthy.
Making an Appointment at Our Clinic for Oral Rehabilitation
Patients can come to our clinic for general dentistry services, but also cosmetic dentistry and dental implants. Do you require an experienced dentist to evaluate your dental problem and provide you with the appropriate treatment? Call our clinic today and make an appointment with one of our experienced dentists, oral surgeons or dental hygienists.
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